By Q Radio News
There has been calls for the UK government to step in and restore war widow pensions to women who had the payment taken away when they remarried.
Changes to the legislation was made in 2015, and it is thought to affect around 280 windows throughout the UK.
One campaign group, calling for change is the South East Fermanagh Foundation.
SEFF’s Director of Services Kenny Donaldson explains: “The campaign has been a bottom up initiative, War Widow Susan Rimmer (Yorkshire-based) had led the charge along with approx a dozen other War Widows and with the support initially of former MP Greg Mulholland (Liberal Democrats)
"We have stood with them and have sought to make their case robustly”.
“Thankfully the War Widows Association of Great Britain have come behind these widows in recent years to back their plight and to campaign for appropriate recognition”.
Mr Donaldson added: “In November 2018, five of SEFF's members had their testimony relayed by Julian Lewis MP within a Parliamentary debate. If the UK Government were under any doubt prior to then as to how deep the issue runs then they certainly should not have been under any illusion post that debate”.
“Yet 18 months on from that point there continues to be a lack of resolution to the issues - this is a National scandal”.
“The position taken by the UK Government to date has been unacceptable - the policy of removing Pensions was anti-family and anti-marriage and was shameful”
“Trotting out the familiar and over used line that Pensions cannot be provided retrospectively does not hold water.
"We need creative thinking from Government around putting this matter right, find the mechanism to support a cohort of women who have been treated in a manner not fitting to the service and sacrifices they and their loved ones made on behalf of this Nation”.
“We demand more than patronising sympathy for the Widows impacted, we need positive action.
“The answer is there for the UK Government; we need a one off compensation arrangement for widows who have been disadvantaged through not having access to their pension for the years in question and the second requirement is the immediate restoration of the Pension”
“SEFF has engaged with the Defence Minister (present and past) with The Treasury, MP's across Parliament and Lords in the Upper House and we have also repeatedly raised the issue with local political parties”
“There is no justification for inaction on this issue, with each day that passes War Widows are getting older and a number have departed this life without ever seeing a grievous wrong put right”.
From Monday 22nd June 2020 SEFF will be featuring a different Widow's story each day through uploading short Videos on their SEFF Victims and Survivors Facebook page at 11am each morning. The stories of six widows will run throughout the week.
Mr Donaldson ended with a plea: “Let's collectively start doing right by those who have given everything to this Nation”.
“Their loved ones laid down their lives defending the values and objectives of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, those left behind must receive similar loyalty.
"The Prime Minister needs to step in and sort this out once and for all,” concluded Mr Donaldson.