by Q Radio News
Care home residents in Northern Ireland are still being denied visits from loved ones even after the roll out of covid-19 vaccines, NI's Commissioner for Older People has claimed.
Eddie Lynch said he is deeply concerned about possible breaches of human rights as a result.
Care home residents were among the first in Northern Ireland to receive the coronavirus vaccine, with regular testing and other precautions also in place to prevent the infection from spreading in residential care settings.
However, the Commissioner has been contacted by desperate families still being prevented from having face to face visits with relatives due to blanket bans.
They're seeking Mr Lynch's help for care home providers to comply with the Department of Health guidance to create opportunities for safe visiting of care home residents.
The Commissioner said, “I have been working with authorities to try to get care homes to facilitate visits in a limited and safe way, so that families who have been separated for months can meet again.
“My office has received many requests for assistance in recent weeks from families who are desperate to visit their relatives with many describing how they feel their relative is being ‘held hostage’ or being ‘treated like a prisoner’.
"Fortunately, in most cases, we have been able to work with care home providers to get these situations resolved.
"However, I remain concerned that the cases we are dealing with could be the tip of the iceberg and that many other families and residents may still be unfairly denied this important contact."
Commissioner for Older People in Northern Ireland, Eddie Lynch pictured above. Below speaking to Q Radio.
“I have sought assurances from authorities for many weeks that this issue is being tackled but I remain unconvinced that they know the true scale of this problem or how hard it is hitting residents and families. Given that many of these older people will be in the latter stages of their lives, it is critical that where visiting can be done safely, that it is facilitated immediately.
“Despite the Minister stating clearly that care home visits need to happen where possible, I have become aware in recent weeks of some providers still maintaining blanket bans on visiting or only allowing window visits despite having no Covid-19 outbreak in a home.
"This is not good enough and needs to change fast.
The Commissioner is asking anyone who is having problems seeing their relatives in care homes, to get in touch with his office and let him know what is happening.
“Although we must remain vigilant, it is clear we are now in a different place than we were a few months ago.
"All care home residents have received both doses of the vaccine and care home outbreaks are at the lowest point since the early days of the pandemic.
"Families tell me they are willing to be tested regularly and many of them have already been vaccinated themselves. If there is no Covid-19 outbreak in a home then residents must be re-connected with their loved ones. The denial of such a basic human right is cruel and inhumane."