By Adam Evans
Billy Caldwell from Castlederg has inspired a new change in the law across the UK on his 13th birthday.
The Home Secretary has confirmed he is making Cannabis-based medicines legal on prescription from this Autumn.
A review had also recommended the change and there was pressure from other campaigners.
Billy's Mum has described it as "incredible news".
Charlotte's told Q Radio: "a wee boy from the foothills of Castlederg has changed everything for all the people across the UK...".
Adding that she's, "crying happy tears, we have fought hard, not just for Billy but for all the families in the United Kingdom".
In a statement Home Secretary Sajid Javid has said: "Recent cases involving sick children made it clear to me that our position on cannabis-related medicinal products was not satisfactory.
"That is why we launched a review and set up an expert panel to advise on licence applications in exceptional circumstances.
"Following advice from two sets of independent advisers, I have taken the decision to reschedule cannabis-derived medicinal products – meaning they will be available on prescription.
"This will help patients with an exceptional clinical need, but is in no way a first step to the legalisation of cannabis for recreational use."