By Q Radio news
Northern Ireland's death toll from the Coronavirus pandemic has risen to 82 in the last 24 hours.
The Public Health Agency says there were 138 new cases since yesterday.
Meanwhile, Health officials in Northern Ireland have said they are confident there is enough personal protective equipment in the region for now.
As the coronavirus pandemic progresses, supplies must be constantly replenished and some local manufacturers have re-purposed production lines, chief social worker Sean Holland said.
But he added he did not want to give false reassurance to NHS workers.
He said: "I think this is a frightening situation for everyone.
"We are all considering what might happen to us and our families.
"For those working directly in health and social care it is particularly frightening."
He said officials were trying to provide the right equipment and ensure people were working as safely as possible.
"We are continuously trying to deepen our understanding of what works best in handling this pandemic," he said.
"I just would be in awe of the commitment of those staff and I would not think it is my place to give them false reassurance.
"To try to minimise what they are doing would be an insult."
Mr Holland gave evidence to the health committee of Assembly members at Stormont on Thursday.
Shipments containing million of items have been arriving from Great Britain.
Mr Holland said officials needed to be careful who received the stock.