By Q Radio news
The death toll in Northern Ireland from Coronavirus has now reached 140 - up six since yesterday.
Another 121 people have tested positive for coronavirus.
The total number of confirmed cases in Northern Ireland now stands at 2,088.
Meanwhile a clinical trial will assess whether treating critically-ill Covid-19 patients earlier with non-invasive ventilation could cut the need to use invasive mechanical ventilators later on.
The joint trial, run by the University of Warwick and Queen's University Belfast and involving up to 4,000 UK patients, will seek to find alternatives to ventilators.
It comes as the Government has been working to boost stocks of the machines, which help support the breathing of very ill coronavirus patients, giving their bodies time to fight the infection and recover.
Downing Street has said the UK has about 10,000 ventilators available with a further 2,000 on order, and provisional orders for thousands more subject to regulatory approval.
It is estimated the country needs about 18,000 of the machines as the peak of infections approaches, with reports suggesting up to 30% of all critically-ill patients will need invasive ventilation.