By Cate McCurry, PA
The president of Sinn Fein has accused the DUP of turning the fall-out over coronavirus restrictions into an orange versus green issue.
Mary Lou McDonald condemned the unionist party’s actions this week as “shameful and depressing”.
Northern Ireland political parties had been at loggerheads over how to exit the current circuit-breaker restrictions.
A deal was reached on Thursday, just 24 hours before the measures were due to expire, to extend them by one week.
The decision has raised concern in the Republic, where the infection rate is four times lower than Northern Ireland.
Ms McDonald said the number of Covid-19 cases in Northern Ireland is still high and “extremely worrying”.
“People living in Belfast and Derry are no different to people in Limerick, Cork and Dublin in that people want to get back to work, people are anxious about Christmas,” she told RTE’s Today With Claire Byrne show.
“We know that in terms of the six counties, the idea that you would be lifting restrictions at a time when we are just not on top of things is wrong and dangerous.
“The (Northern Ireland) CMO (Michael McBride) was very blunt in the advice that he gave to the Executive in that any easing of restrictions would result in excess deaths.”
Dr Michael McBride
The DUP used a cross-community mechanism to twice veto proposals put forward by Northern Ireland Health Minister Robin Swann.
“I think the DUP’s of a cross-community vote and a veto was shameful, was disgraceful, was depressing,” Ms McDonald added.
“The idea that the DUP can turn public health and the need to keep all of us safe and to do the right thing for everyone in very difficult circumstances, that they can turn that into an orange versus green, them versus us issue, is really very shocking.
“I think it gives a glimpse into how profoundly challenging it is to deal with that system.
“We can’t have a reservoir of this disease anywhere on this island; if it’s on the island it imperils all of us.
“It’s a small land mass, the border is the poorest, people are moving back over for work and family reasons.
“I am concerned at the turn of the events in the north.”
In response to Mary Lou McDonald's comment, the DUP have said that Sinn Fein should dial down the rhetoric and focus on consensus solutions.
East Antrim DUP MLA Gordon Lyons has said the DUP will continue to take a balanced and proportionate approach in handling covid-19 which protects life and livelihoods and he also called on Sinn Fein to dial down the rhetoric and focus on consensus solutions.
The DUP MLA who is also a Junior Minister in the Northern Ireland Executive said,
“My constituents want to see a sensible and balanced approach by the Executive which recognises there are no easy decisions. Mary Lou’s latest comments are heavy on party-political rhetoric but light on strategy or plans.
"Rather than explaining why Sinn Fein somersaulted between Sunday and Monday, Mary Lou is desperately lashing out at the DUP. It is time for Sinn Fein to dial down the rhetoric and show they are serious about dealing with the crisis.
"The Sinn Fein record over covid-19 has been one of double standards and political opportunism. When it came to closing schools, SF was all over the place. When it came to getting PPE, SF’s focus was on whether it came from Dublin or London. Then on help from the army, SF stalled before catching themselves on. Mary Lou then sought to weaponise the pandemic by saying it would be a catalyst for a united Ireland and finally SF completely disregarded medical advice and brought thousands on to the streets for the Bobby Storey funeral.
"The public has already judged Sinn Fein’s approach to covid-19.
"Whilst the DUP has worked with the administrations across the British Isles, to get mature and sensible solutions, too often SF’s first instinct has been to play politics. Its time they wised up. Rather than lashing out at the DUP, Mary Lou should sort out who is leading her party, Dublin or Belfast.
Gordon Lyons
"There is no textbook to handle covid-19. It requires balanced and proportionate steps to protect our hospitals and family incomes. Families depending on sectors which have been closed have no idea how they are putting presents under the Christmas tree. This not a black and white decision of choosing between hospitals and jobs. For anyone to characterise it as such is foolish.
"The Chief Medical Officers in London and Belfast have both recognised that poverty kills. That’s why our focus is on equipping the economy and the health service to co-exist with the virus. We need rapid and regular testing rolled out for our care homes and hospitals. We need covid-19 safe standards for businesses so they can be supported to operate safely.
"Whilst SF plays politics, we will focus on serious solutions.”
Also this afternoon, the Finance Minister Conor Murphy said official support will be extended for businesses still required to close or severely limit their operations.
He said: “Every effort is being made to process applications as quickly as possible and so far, £12.9 million of payments have been issued to 3,418 businesses under my Department’s Localised Restrictions Support Scheme.
“Businesses which have already applied to this scheme do not need to make a further application. Another payment will automatically be given to eligible businesses to cover their additional period of restrictions.
“Last week the Chancellor provided a £400 million uplift for the Executive’s response to Covid-19. I have encouraged Executive colleagues to urgently bring forward proposals to use this money.”