Q Radio News
A Lisburn student who was the first baby born here after the Good Friday Agreement is urging local politicians to cut a new deal and make peace permanent...
Kerrie Hope Patterson came into the world just 25 minutes after the Agreement was signed and her picture made the front pages across the globe.
The doctor's daughter who became known as the Peace Baby today celebrates her 20th birthday...
Studying law and business at Trinity College Dublin, Kerrie keeps a close eye on developments at home.
With Brexit looming, she's optimistic another compromise can be reached to restore Stormont, 20 years on...
She thinks outside help might be needed to get the peace process back on track and says the perfect people are in town today, Bill Clinton and George Mitchell...
Kerrie's parents gave her the middle name Hope and she says it gives her the chance to talk to people about just how far Northern Ireland has come...