The Health Minister has published a plan to tackle hospital waiting lists in Northern Ireland.
It's expected to cost an additional £31million - however any new incoming executive will have to agree on the money coming out of the budget.
The department's clear aim is that no one should wait more than a year for a first outpatient appointment by March 2018.
Michelle O Neill wants the backlog of patients waiting more than 26 weeks for diagnostics to be also be cleared.
The proposals include 5 further commitments:
- Increase patient self-management services - to enable patients with long term conditions to manage their condition more effectively.
- Expand capacity and capability in primary care - so patients can be appropriately managed locally, outside the secondary care setting.
- Improve direct access between primary and secondary care – to enable more rapid access for patients to secondary care services.
- Reform and modernise secondary care services - to meet patient demand to ensure that patients are seen at the right time, in the right place and by the right person.
- Establish new models of provision such as regional Elective Care and Treatment Centres - to deliver large volumes of assessments and non-complex routine surgery across a broad range of specialties.
The Minister continued: "As I have said before, new investment is also required to take forward the initial work on the other commitments in the Plan to transform the delivery of elective care services.
“We must invest in our HSC services if we want to deliver better outcomes for our population. The previous Executive endorsed this approach, and all the other parties agreed to take politics out of Health. Any incoming Executive needs to continue the transformation plan, including tackling waiting lists.
"This plan requires a significant uplift to the Department’s overall budget settlement for 2017/18. This has not yet been approved but given the cross party support for the Bengoa Report, not just in the Executive but in the Assembly, I am confident this uplift will be forthcoming. I have already had detailed discussions with the Finance Minister in relation to this requirement."