By Q Radio News
A teenager from Co Antrim deemed the "sickest child" they had ever met by her doctors was granted a "luxury" day of shopping in Victoria Square in Belfast by the charity Make-A-Wish UK.
In March 2021, 16-year-old Nicole Hamilton fell ill with flu-like symptoms, and soon found herself fighting for her life at Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children on Easter Sunday 2021 as doctors tried to determine the origin of her illness.
"I was working from home and all I could hear, all day long, was her coughing," remembers her mum, 40-year-old Events Officer, Carole.
"I knew something was not right."
Despite being prescribed two different courses of antibiotics, her condition continued to rapidly deteriorate and she was soon placed on an IV drip after being plagued with infections and not being able to swallow.
"We knew she was getting sicker and sicker – the antibiotics were not working," said Carole.
"Her infection markers were through the roof. It was at this point that the doctors agreed to do more scans."
A CT scan detected an abscess on her throat and the teenager was rushed to surgery.
"I thought, okay that is it now, they will sort the abscess and then she will be fine," said Carole.
"But that was not to be."
Despite the surgery, her condition continued to deteriorate and she was placed on a ventilator.
It was then confirmed that Nicole had contracted Covid-19 and, shockingly, so had her Mum.
Nicole Hamilton in hospital
Carole said: "My husband took over and never left her side.
"Even when I got better, only one of us could be there for Nicole at any one time, so I had to just sit at home staring at the phone.
"It was very isolating and I did not know what to do with myself – I could not think, I could not eat, I could barely move."
Her doctors finally diagnosed her with lung necrosis, mediastinitis, pericardial effusion and emphysema.
"They had never seen anything like it in a child in her age," said Carole.
"The infection had taken over her entire body. Her lungs, heart and chest cavity were full of fluid."
Nicole was placed on life support, and heartbreakingly, was given slim chance of survival.
"I could never describe the feeling – when something like that happens to your family," said Carole.
"There is nothing like the fear, the panic that takes over. Just talking about it brings up that paralysing fear. I would not wish it on my worst enemy."
Fortunately, Nicole began to show signs of improvement and was transferred to the Belvoir Ward in the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children for another two months.
She was referred to the wish-granting charity Make-A-Wish UK, which grants wishes for children aged 3-17 facing life-limiting or life-threatening illness.
"At first Nicole thought she did not deserve a wish," said Carole.
"She kept saying 'there are other children much sicker than me',"
"Consultants had to sit her down and tell her just how poorly she had been.
"One of her doctors said that she was the sickest child, that lived, that he had ever treated."
Nicole eventually chose a shopping spree wish, to be enjoyed with her whole family, as it was that that she missed the most during her prolonged stay in hospital.
Make-A-Wish UK were able to bring her wish to life on Good Friday 2022; the anniversary weekend that Nicole was admitted to hospital.
Now, the charity is appealing for donations to grant more wishes for children like Nicole.
"She was so anxious in the run up to Easter this year," said Carole.
"She struggles with PTSD from what happened and has awful flashbacks. Her wish gave her something to focus on and look forward to. The anticipation was part of the magic of the wish."
Chief Executive at Make-A-Wish UK, Jason Suckley said: "When a child like Nicole becomes critically ill, the joy of childhood is brought to an abrupt end with treatment plans, appointments and worry taking over.
"The power of a wish helps to revive that childhood, giving young people like Nicole the opportunity to feel pampered and special for the day, creating memories with their family and without worry."
Nicole, her parents and younger siblings were collected at 10am on Friday April 15 by a surprise limousine which drove them to Victoria Square.
Nicole was whisked away by the centre manager for a makeover at Charlotte Tilbury, before enjoying a private personal shopping experience.
"She smiled the entire day," said Carole.
"It was all lovely designer clothing. She felt like royalty. It was pure luxury. She just loved every single minute of it - it was incredible to see her smile after everything she has been through."
Mr Suckley said: "We are delighted to have granted her wish after a such horrendous ordeal.
"Throughout Northern Ireland, another 36 children just like Nicole are living with a critical condition and still waiting for their wish to come true. We believe that they have waited long enough.
"With World Wish Day happening on Friday April 29, now is the perfect time to donate or fundraise and help light up the darkness for more children like Nicole."
Please visit www.make-a-wish.org.uk/northern-ireland and help grant life-changing wishes across Northern Ireland and beyond.
Nicole, her parents and younger siblings at Victoria Square in Belfast