By Q Radio news
Thousands of people have missed out on potentially life-saving cancer treatments due to Covid-19.
New figures show the number of patients waiting more than nine weeks for hospital treatment increased to more than 42,600 by the end of September.
That's compared to fewer than 35,000 on the same date last year.
South Eastern Trust patients fared worst among the six health trusts.
Key facts and figures are listed below:
Waiting times for first treatment following an urgent GP referral for suspect cancer (62 day target)
In September 2020, 368 patients commenced their first treatment for cancer following an urgent referral for suspect cancer. Of these, 60.3% (222 patients) started treatment within 62 days, compared with 58.0% (204 of the 352 patients) in August, 61.7% (219 of the 355 patients) in July and 48.2% (188 of the 390 patients) in September 2019.
Waiting times for first definitive treatment following a decision to treat (31 day target)
During September 2020, 875 patients commenced their first treatment for cancer following a decision to treat being taken. Of these, 95.1% (832) started treatment within 31 days, compared with 94.8% (697 of the 735 patients) in August, 96.3% (758 of the 787 patients) in July and 91.4% (831 of the 909 patients) in September 2019.
Patients first seen following an urgent referral for suspect breast cancer (14 day target)
During September 2020, 1,342 patients were seen by a breast cancer specialist for a first assessment following an urgent referral for suspect breast cancer. Of these, 81.9% (1,099) were seen within 14 days, compared with 91.3% (948 of the 1,038 patients) in August, 95.8% (1,287 of the 1,344 patients) in July and 95.8% (1,173 of the 1,224 patients) in September 2019.
Referrals for suspect breast cancer
In September 2020, 2,042 new referrals for suspect breast cancer were received; this compares to 1,599 in August, 1,758 in July and 2,087 in September 2019. Referrals for suspect breast cancer can be for advice, assessment or both.
Of those new referrals for suspect breast cancer in September 2020, 1,493 (73.1%) were classified as urgent.