Q Radio news
A police car has been badly damaged after being set on fire in Co.Down.
The rear window was smashed in the vehicle in Kilkeel at around 9.30 last night.
Officers had been dealing with a domestic incident in Slieveshan Park at the time.
"The Police car parked up outside was subject to a vicious and targeted attack by a person or persons intent on destroying it" said a statement online.
"These thoughtless people smashed through the rear window and started a fire in the boot compartment with complete disregard of causing a potential explosion in this built up area.
"Fortunately we were able to call upon our colleagues in the Fire and Rescue service to extinguish the blaze however the car was no longer able to be used."
Officers hit out at those responsible saying "Due to these idiotic actions there is now one less Police vehicle available to us to us and as a service we need these crucial resources to keep everyone safe
"We will be robustly investigating this arson to YOUR police vehicle."