by Gráinne Connolly
The Department for Infrastructure is seeking views from the public on the A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass.
The public and interested parties are invited to attend a public information day on the 12 April from 10am to 9pm in the Waterways Ireland offices at Sligo Road, Enniskillen.
This will provide an opportunity to engage with Departmental staff and members of the Consultant’s project team on the draft Vesting Order, draft Direction Order and Environmental Impact Assessment on the proposed scheme.
The purpose of the scheme is to provide a direct link between the A4 Dublin Road to the east of the town and the A509 Derrylin Road west of the Erne River, a distance of approximately two km.
This will involve the construction of two new roundabouts, two river bridges and three accommodation structures.
There will also be overtaking lanes provided at each end of the new road.
The bypass will help alleviate traffic congestion in the town, reduce delays, decrease journey times by approximately 50%, and improve road safety.
This will enhance the town centre environment and improve air quality.
The public should make representations by letter, email or via the Department’s website.
Details are available at www.infrastructure-ni.gov.uk/contacts/dfi-roads-western-division-divisional-manager.
Delivery of the new road, estimated to cost £30million, will be dependent on the successful completion of the statutory processes and the future availability of finance.