by Gráinne Connolly
People living in Tyrone and Fermanagh are being encouraged to dispose of any old prescription drugs and medicine by using RAPID bins which can be located throughout the local area.
A spokesperson for the PSNI said:
"Have you old prescription drugs lying around the house? If we are honest, most of us will have the remnants of prescription tablets in our medicine drawer going back some time. These can be returned to a pharmacy for destruction but there is also another option!"
In July 2017, the PSNI in partnership with the Public Health Agency, local Drug and Alcohol Co-ordination teams, and the PCSP installed 3 RAPID (Remove all Prescription and Illegal Drugs) Bins in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area.
(Launch of RAPID in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area last summer)
The RAPID bins are bright yellow and can be found:
- Rooney's Eurospar, Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen
- ARC Healthy Living Centre, Irvinestown
- SuperValu, Market Street, Omagh.
These bins are essentially safes where anyone can anonymously deposit any prescription or illegal drugs for safe disposal and with no personal details collected.
This means the drugs can be removed permanently and securely by the PSNI, preventing them from falling in to the wrong hands or potential misuse.