by Q Radio News
Schools across Northern Ireland will be closed for two weeks from today in a bid to halt the spread of Covid-19.
The closure forms parts of wider restrictions set by the Executive last week which included bars and restaurants shutting their doors for four weeks. Takeaway service is now only permitted.
Those measures took effect from 6pm on Friday.
Fably Khanam recently opened '7 Spice' restaurant in Belfast and says she had hoped not to close so soon:
The beauty industry, including hairdressers and barbers, will also close with further restrictions put on hotels.
More information on the restrictions can be found here: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/publications/covid-19-northern-ireland-executive-restrictions-summary-guide
Also, businesses affected by the new restrictions will be able to access additional financial support from the Executive from today.
Finance Minister Conor Murphy said he would roll out a support package across the whole province.
The scheme will make payments available to businesses for each fortnight their doors remain closed.
Mr Murphy says it will cost £35m and he wants to see money reaching applicants very soon:
Yesterday, five more people in Northern Ireland died after contracting Coronavirus with 1,012 people testing positive for Covid-19.
Meanwhile, arrests were made and Fixed Penalty Notices were handed out at a protest at Stormont against the newly imposed restrictions.