By David Hunter
Translink has released shocking new footage of 'near misses' on Northern Ireland's railway tracks.
The transport group says the mis-use of railway signals and tracks increases during summer months placing members of the public at risk of serious injury.
Young people and drivers are often the most prolific offenders when it comes to trying to escape barriers and warning lights.
Translink’s Head of Rail Operations Richard Knox said “Young people are more inclined to congregate at our stations and rail halts during the summer months .
"We see an increase in people walking along the railway line or crossing the tracks, which is an extremely dangerous practice.
“Many young people unwittingly put themselves at risk.
"A distraction such as using a mobile phone or a momentary lapse of concentration can have massive implications and trains travelling at 70mph need the length of four football pitches in order to stop”.
In a statement the company said "Safety is our top priority and we want to maintain our high safety standards for our customers, staff and the wider public.
"By working together, we can prevent potentially dangerous incidents of trespass, vandalism and dangerous behaviour on trains, near railway tracks or on station platforms.
"People who use railway crossings are also reminded to be vigilant at all times, pay attention to warning lights and notices and not to get complacent."
Richard Knox concluded: “We have a zero tolerance approach to trespass or anti-social behaviour. We offer a reward of up to £1,000 for those who give evidence which leads to a successful conviction”.