By Adam Evans
Sinn Féin Leader, Michelle O'Neill has spoken on the phone with the Prime Minister.
It's after a potential deal on the Irish border fell apart when the DUP expressed their concerns Northern Ireland would get a different arrangement to the rest of the UK.
Ms O'Neill says she's told Theresa May that the DUP "do not speak for the majority of the people of the north".
Adding, "The democratically expressed will of the people of the north is to remain in the EU.
"I told Theresa May that the Good Friday Agreement was the clearest evidence of the unique and special circumstances of the island of Ireland.
"I made the case for designated special status within the EU, in the Customs Union and the single market.
"That is the only guarantee of stability and certainty that will deliver the full protection of the Good Friday Agreement in all its parts - including Irish citizenship and therefore the benefits of EU citizenship."