by Gráinne Connolly
Every year in Northern Ireland, 1 in 3 of over-65 year olds and around half of over 85s* will fall at least once.
According to Age UK, falls are the number one reason older people are taken to emergency departments in a hospital.
As part of this year’s Stay Well This Winter campaign, health professionals are urging older people and those who care for them to be aware of how falls can happen and to take steps to prevent this.
Dr Carolyn Harper, Director of Public Health at the Public Health Agency said,
“A person over 80 who spends a week in hospital will experience the equivalent of 10% loss of strength and for some, this could mean the difference between dependence and independence, between being able to climb stairs, get in and out of bed or even stand up from the toilet.
"It also takes twice as long for older people who have suffered injury as a result of falling to regain their mobility. That’s why we are recommending older people take some preventative action including regular exercise."
Joyce McKee, Programme Manager (Adult Services), Health and Social Care Board added,
“We also know that an older person who loses mobility can lose confidence, become depressed, more socially isolated and their health and wellbeing can rapidly decline.”
The “Stay Well” campaign, jointly led by the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency, encourages people, especially those at most risk of a preventable hospital admission, to take actions that will help them stay well during winter.
This includes reducing falls in older people, getting a flu vaccination, keeping homes warm and getting advice from a pharmacist as appropriate at the first sign of illness.
It also incorporates key advice around common winter illnesses and the range of services available to help people make the most appropriate choices for their healthcare needs.
As part of the campaign, some tips have been put together for older people who may be concerned or worried about falling:
Speak Up
Speak to your doctor about fall risks, prevention and assessment. Tell your doctor if you have fallen, or if you’re afraid you might fall, or if you feel unsteady.
Ask your doctor or community pharmacist to review your medication and discuss any side effects like feeling dizzy or sleepy.
Check with your doctor or pharmacist if taking vitamin D supplements for improved bone, muscle, and nerve health is right for you.
Keep Moving
Activities that strengthen your legs and help your balance can help prevent falls.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists has put together a short video of six easy strength and balance exercises which can be done in the home daily (linked below)
Check Your Eyes
Make sure you get your eyes checked once a year and update your glasses if needed.
Make Your Home Safe - Most falls happen at home
Keep floors clutter free
Remove small rugs or tape down or secure them
Add grab bars in the bathroom
Install handrails and lights on staircases
Make sure your home has lots of light
Ask your local council for a free home hazard assessment. A trained home safety officer can look over your house and offer free advice and information on how to prevent a fall
A short video about preventing falls has also been compiled: