Q radio has been catching up with postmen and women at the Royal Mail Centre in Mallusk.
It's estimated 1.8 million items of mail will be sorted at the centre on Thursday.
General Manager Paul Sweeney said: "This is obviously our busy time of year so we recruit temporary casual workers to support us over Christmas"
A 'special Santa section' has been set up in the office.
"We've been working with Santa Claus for 53 years to process and help him in ensuring all the letters are processed and get where they need to at the North Pole" Mr Sweeney said.
Royal Mail elves are busy sorting through the letters that are being sent in by thousands of little boys and girls in Northern Ireland.
They're being put in to boxes before being dispatched to the North Pole.
There is a tray to hold letters from children who are on the naughty list but Mr Sweeney says 'thankfully it's empty'.
Some of the things children have sent with their letter to Father Christmas are baby dummies, sweeties as well as football Match Attack cards.
It's also not too late to send your letter off to the North Pole.
The Royal Mail manager said: "The letter will still get to Santa but it might be too late and too busy for him to reply back".
The recommended last first class posting date is December 21st while the last recommended day for second class post is the 20th.