Altnagelvin Hospital has launched a Winter Plan in an effort to alleviate pressures on the service in the colder months.
Emergency admissions, people with respiratory issues and those suffering from viruses amount for the biggest influx of admissions in the winter months.
Figures released by the Western Health and Social Care Trust show an additional 6,613 people attended the Hospital’s Accident and Emergency department between November 2915 and September 2016 compared to the previous year, an increase of 13%.
The emergency department also reported a 21% spike in the number of people referred by GP’s in the same time period.
A&E Consultant James Steele says new initiatives have been put in place to ensure the sickest patients are attended first:
Demand has also increased in primary care, GP Out of Hours and in the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.
The Western Trust has now put plans in place to reduce the length of time a patient spends in hospital, to streamline the discharge process and avoid admitting patients who could be cared for elsewhere.
It’s hoped that the initiatives will lead to a greater capacity to meet the demands faced by the service in 2015.
The plan includes hiring extra staff, escalating care spaces and increasing awareness among GP’s to use the community respiratory scheme, as well as working to ensure that nursing staff numbers are consistent across the board.
Meanwhile, in the community care sector measures have been put in place to support the existing discharges pathways.
The trust plan to invest in community equipment, raising awareness of getting patients ready for discharge, and enhancing domiciliary care by adding extra rehabilitation beds into local nursing homes.
Executive Director of Nursing Alan Corry Finn says it’s not always easy on staff working in the community:
The Public Health Agency recently launched the 'Stay Well' campaign to ensure people are prepared for the winter weather.
The Health and Social Care Board says it's targeted at those most at risk of preventable hospital admission.
The campaign offers advice on flu vaccines, winter illnesses and encourages people to visit their pharmacist or GP for primary care.