Q Radio news
Derry City and Strabane District Councillor has a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor, who are both Tyrone women.
Strabane Sinn Féin councillor Michaela Boyle has been appointed Mayor and takes over the role from the SDLP's John Boyle.
The former MLA resigned her post in the Northern Ireland Assembly earlier this year to stand in the local council election.
She served as the Chairperson of Strabane Council & the first female Chairperson of the Public Accounts committee at Stormont.
She has also served on various committees including Finance, Education and Health.
Newly appointed SDLP councillor Cara Hunter from Clady was appointed Deputy Mayor.
Speaking to Q Radio Mayor Boyle said “I will support communities the length and breadth of this Council area. From the Ballycolman to the Bogside, from Newtonstewart to Newbuildings, from Cranagh to Creggan and from Glebe to Galliagh, stretching from the Derg ward down to Derry City, I will stand up and promote this area to the best of my ability and promote equality and inclusive, respectful politics.”
The number one key objective set out by the new Mayor for her year ahead, is the commitment to work towards the promotion of the North West region to attract jobs, infrastructure and investment and to maximise the economic potential of the region.
“We need to build on the foundations of existing collaborations in health, education and infrastructure. One of the key projects, which is an essential lifeline for addressing the infrastructural deficit west of the Bann and for reinforcing connections is the A5 road project.
"We need to ensure that key projects such as the A5, the expansion of the Magee campus, the medical school, the Riverine Project, the A6 road and others are delivered in order to open up the entire north-west region and bring the benefits on an all-island basis.”
The Mayor also promised to work on a number of issues including women's empowerment, mental health support, poverty and domestic violence.
IMAGE: Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Michaela Boyle
IMAGE: Deputy Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Cara Hunter