by Gráinne Connolly
Home carers in the Northern Trust area, also known officially as Domicillary Care workers, will be receiving a long awaited pay rise following a job evaluation carried out by trade union UNISON.
The post has been moved from a band 2 to a band 3.
Celebrating the outcome for the carers, UNISON Joint Branch Chair and Chair of Trade Union Side for the NHSCT, Stephanie Greenwood said:
"The outcome is a fantastic result for our members and it reflects the significant changes to the role of a homecare worker over the years.
"The service provision has really progressed and these members are now providing a professional level of care and are skilled individuals who deliver complex care and services to our communities.
"It is wonderful that they finally have the recognition they deserve. It has been a long haul to get to this position. UNISON has worked with our members to secure this outcome".
Brian Ferguson UNISON Regional Organiser said:
"This is a momentous outcome and will have a region wide service impact.
"At last homecare workers are being acknowledged for the excellent care and services they provide’.
Mr Ferguson also commended UNISON's Northern Health Branch for the work they carried out to secure thus outcome for their members; in particular the homecare stewards who held numerous meetings with our members.
"The uplift will make such a difference to their self-esteem and confidence. It will also benefit the clients ensuring high standards continue, and support retention of staff in this field of work.