By Hannah Spratt
A pensioner who survived the Claudy bomb has slammed Foyle MP Elisha McCallion for sharing a video commemorating IRA volunteers on her Facebook page.
UUP Councillor Mary Hamilton accused Mrs McCallion of ‘glorifying terrorism’ after the MP shared a slideshow of 46 IRA members from Derry-Londonderry on Tuesday, describing them as 'ordinary people in extraordinary times'
Mrs Hamilton says the MP's action has deeply hurt her community.
....In a statement Sinn Fein said that it 'was well past time unionists recognised everyone's right, under the Good Friday Agreement, to remember their dead with dignity and respect'.
Pictured: One of the photos Elisha McCallion shared on her facebook page.
Councillor Mary Hamilton says as an MP Elisha McCallion has a duty to represent everyone.