by Gráinne Connolly
Police in Strabane are investigating a burglary from a commercial premises on the Lifford Road, Strabane which occurred at approximately 4am on Sunday morning, 4th February.
The family shop and restaurant is known locally as Dolan's, Travellers Rest.
During this burglary a number of charity boxes were stolen and the doors to the premises were damaged.
Two men were caught breaking in and carrying out the thefts on the shop's CCTV footage.
A spokesperson for the PSNI said:
"If you observed two males around this time on the Lifford Road or come across discarded charity boxes please contact Police on 101 and quote reference 380. 4/2/18.
"Unfortunately these persons have no regard for either business owners or charity organisations and we would appreciate your help in trying to identify those responsible."
Can you identify these two idiots? Both characters broke into this local family business (Dolans) Strabane after 4am this morning. (3rd Feb.) They managed to steal charity boxes before leaving the premises. Check out their distinctive clothing and PM Dolan’s or contact PSNI.