Two County Down bin men have won £70,000 from a National Lottery Scratchcard.
Stephen Inglis from Bangor, and Frank McCormick from Newtownards, hit the money on a 'Jewel 7s Doubler Scratchcard' which they bought from a Centra store in Holywood.
The friends have a diet plan to thank for fattening their bank balances.
“Every morning when we’re driving the bin lorry, we listen to a quiz on the radio and see who can get the most answers right – with the loser buying the sausage rolls" explained Stephen.
“However Frank’s been on a diet recently so we swapped the sausage rolls for scratchcards - but we never thought we would win. All I can say is thank God that Frank needed to lose a bit of weight".
“Frank always scratches the cards as I never win.
"He said to me that we had a lucky 7 in one of the rows. Then after a pause, he said ‘we’ve won 70, we’ve won 70’. I said ’70 quid?’ and he said ‘no, 70 thousand’!!!
Stephen said he won’t waste his share of the winnings but instead will take his time deciding how to spend it after a celebratory meal with his children.
Frank however already has his eyes on a new car and also wants to take his family to EuroDisney and pay off a few debts.
LISTEN: Frank describes 'fattening' Lotto win: