by Gráinne Connolly
People in Strabane and Lifford areas are being encouraged to have their say on a major cross border development planned for the region.
Derry City and Strabane District Council are working in partnership with Donegal County Council to drive forward plans for the 'Riverine Project'.
It will seek to create a significant, new cross border community asset for the area.
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Alderman Hilary McClintock said public feedback would greatly assist the decision to go ahead with funding and progression of the project.
"The Riverine Project is an exciting proposal for both council areas, potentially providinig an entire new community infrastructure which can be shared by all those living in close proximity to the border.
The project offers the opportunity to completely transform the area and enhance its profile as an attractive visitor destination."
The proposed Riverine concept plans comprise 47 acres covering two currently unused open natural spaces.
That includes a partially covered outdoor public events space, community building and a world class play area, which will be feature parkland, walkway and river access.
Local people can have their say by undertaking an online survery posted below:
The results of the survey will be taken into consideration when being accessed by the funder, therefore it's quite important that people get involved.