By Q Radio news
A Lisburn schoolboy is set to be the local face of this year's Lenten appeal by overseas development charity Trócaire.
Tommy McKee helped launch the appeal today on the back of news that the UK government will match every donation made.
This potentially could result in up to £2 million of extra funding at a time when the charity fears its income from charitable donations might be paired back on the back of the Covid -19 pandemic.
Little Tommy says he plans to walk, run and cycle 26 miles to help raise funds for the appeal.
He's been nicknamed "Little Tom" after Captain Sir Tom Moore who raised millions of pounds for the NHS in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sadly, Sir Tom passed away earlier this year but Tommy's mum Helen believes his memory will live on by inspiring others like her son to reach out to those less fortunate than himself like the people of south Sudan.
(Tommy McKee (6) from Lisburn helped launch Trócaire's Lenten Appeal)
The ‘UK Aid Match’ initiative will see the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) double donations from the public in Northern Ireland during the campaign which launched today (Wednesday 17th February).
This year’s appeal highlights the challenges faced by people in South Sudan who have had to flee their homes because of years of conflict.
UK Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, said: “Decades of conflict and the dramatic impact of climate change have had a devastating impact on communities in South Sudan.
The generous support of the public in Northern Ireland for Trócaire’s Lenten Appeal will provide vital support for families to rebuild their lives and become self-sufficient.
Donations are being doubled by the government through UK Aid Match, meaning even greater impact.”
(Lisburn boy Tommy McKee gets in some practice ahead of his marathon challenge for Trócaire's Lenten Appeal)
Siobhan Hanley, Trócaire’s Head of Region in Northern Ireland, said: “We are incredibly excited to have received this support from the UK government and it is a recognition of the loyalty and generosity of our donors.
We are asking the public to once again support our Lenten Appeal so that we can maximise this matched funding.
That support is even more important now as we face real challenges in getting our message out to people due to continuing Covid-19 restrictions.
School closures and the suspension of Masses and church services, means that for the first time in almost 50 years many homes will be without Trócaire boxes for the first time this year.
While boxes are available to be picked-up at churches nationwide, there are up to 50 per cent fewer boxes in circulation.
We are asking supporters to pick-up Trócaire boxes from their local church if it is safe to do so and in line with government restrictions, but otherwise to make their annual donation online at trocaire.org."
This year’s appeal focuses on two extraordinary women, Awut and Ajak, who have been supporting each other in South Sudan.
These two remarkable women were strangers when they lost their homes and their husbands to the war.
Today, they are the closest of friends.
Far away from the villages they once called home, they are working hard together to rebuild their lives.
They are a shining example for all of us in these uncertain times.”
“This Lent, every pound the public in Northern Ireland and across the UK donates by 16th May 2021 will be matched by the UK government up to £2m, doubling the help you bring.
These matched funds will enable thousands of people in South Sudan like Awut and Ajak to continue feeding their families through
climate shocks,” said Siobhan Hanley.
To find out more about this year’s Lenten Appeal or to make a donation visit www.trocaire.org or call 0800 912 1200.
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